Tuesday 2 July 2019

The Grixis Control Mirror and how to Blast a Kefnet

Lat weekend I participated in the Blue Elemelbourne Blasters vs. Blood Moon Squad grudge match tournament at General Games Malvern.
The tournament was a blast and a highlight was everyone getting to be on camera once for a feature match with commentary and a live stream.
My feature match was the Grixis Control mirror against Jacob McCormack who while the youngest player in the room has had reasonable success with the deck and who I have lost to in the mirror on multiple occasions before.

The full match with commentary can be found here for your viewing pleasure:

The commentary for the match was a lot of fun and overall good but because of the super casual nature of the event did not focus on the technical intricacies of the match that were actually quite interesting and highlighted some key aspects on the deck and the mirror.

In light of that, I decided to write up a run down from my perspective so here it is.

The Lists

The lists are obviously similar (8 cards different in the main, 6 in the board) but there are a few key differences.
The main 2 are that I moved my discard spells for the event to the sideboard, I correctly expected to face zero combo decks, and was playing a Strip Mine as my 7th point with a Crucible of Worlds to go with it.  This was largely untested but I knew I didn’t want Force of Will, again no combo, and didn’t want to just play 6 points which was the option Michael Billinghurst went with in his Grixis list.
Jacob is also playing a Fiery Islet in the mana base and a God-Eternal Kefnet as a 4 drop over Fact or Fiction in my list.
While certainly minor, a lot of these choices came up in our match.

Game One

My hand here is not good and if you were to say keeping was a mistake, you might be right.  It’s land heavy and has Liliana the Last Hope and Crucible of Worlds in it, neither of which you want early in the mirror.
However, it also has Ancestral Vision in it and I’m on the play so I keep and hope to leverage late game card advantage.

On turn 3 I cast Hymn to Tourach to which my opponent responds with a no value Brainstorm (no fetch in play) which I’m honestly pretty happy to see as while he may get to protect his best cards, Brainstorm is very likely to be his best card anyway or would at least help him to dig to good cards after the hymn.

After that point I get my Ancestral Vison countered as I have drawn no interaction and then proceed to draw 5 or so lands in a row and scoop it up.


After board the mirror is very tempo based and access to red and blue blasts make a lot of the expensive cards a lot worse.
I bring in 6 cards here:
Blue Elemental Blast
Dire Fleet Daredevil
Red Elemental Blast
Young Pyromancer

I don’t recall precisely what I took out but I believe it was something like this:
Crucible of Worlds
Cryptic Command
Mana Leak
Lightning Bolt
Liliana, the Last Hope/Fatal Push (I really can’t recall which)
Field of Ruin

Basically, I’m lowering the costs of my interaction, trimming some removal and bringing in 2 great threats.
I tend to take the midrange approach of not wanting the discard spells post board as they are awful top decks but I will note that a lot of Grixis players disagree with me on that.
(I am unsure of exactly how Jacob boarded but I did not see any discard in games 2 or 3 so looked like he was on the same page in that regard.)

Game Two

My hand here is again awkward, containing only 1 land.  However, the rest of the hand is Mental Misstep, Remand, Young Pyromancer, Dire Fleet Daredevil, Dreadbore and most importantly Ancestral Vision again.
The hand is good enough where I’m comfortable missing a land drop early so I again enforce my ‘never mulligan a turn 1 Ancestral Vision on the play’ policy and keep it without much hesitation.
Obviously I draw Kess on turn 2 and miss land number 2 but that’s ok, I was accepting this when I kept the hand.
I hit a tap land on 3, even the right colours, and the game is on.
Turn 4 I hit Red Elemental Blast which is another excellent card in the mirror and deploy the Young Pyromancer, mostly as bait as I expect Jacob to counter it, so I have a better chance of resolving Ancestral Vision next turn.  Jacob has multiple counters in hand at this point but he also has Toxic Deluge and makes the heads up play of letting the Young Pyromancer resolve and sweeping it up later.
On his turn 4 Jacob misses his land and chooses to discard Electrolyze to hand size rather than deploy his Search for Azcanta because he knows that card advantage is hugely important here and he wants to be able to fight over the Ancestral Vision.

Turn 5 my Ancestral Vision goes on the stack and we both go deep in a counter fight, which I ultimately lose with my Remand and Mental Misstep getting done in by Mana Leak, Spell Snare and his own Mental Misstep (he still had Force of Will too).
I’m not that sad about this as I get 3 elemental tokens out of it and am even on cards.

It’s at this point that we start seeing the tempo element come into play.
Jacob untaps and sweeps the Young Pyromancer and tokens with his Toxic Deluge which is something he definitely had to do but he is now tapped out on his turn and I’m untapping with a pretty solid hand, no matter what the commentators may have thought.
It’s certainly possible he should have countered the Young Pyromancer instead to avoid this tempo hit but may have thought he needed to hold on to his counters.

I hit my 4th land here and go into the tank a bit. 
My opponent has been doing nothing proactive this game and has also been stuck on 3 lands for a bit so I have him on more counters, specifically Force of Will had crossed my mind, or late game bombs like Jace, the Mind Sculptor or Kess, Dissident Mage.
The reason for tanking is that I have my own Kess in hand, along with a Red Elemental Blast, and am trying to decide if I should jam it or hold it and wait till I can get a card out of it immediately from the yard and/or protect it with my Blast.
I decide to hold it and we end up fighting over Jacob’s Search for Azcanta on his turn which he gets through my Red Blast with his Counterspell.
This isn’t great for me as I now have to act as the Search will bury me if I don’t so I untap and jam the Kess, fully expecting it to get killed on Jacob’s turn.  Thankfully he has Force of Will blue card instead of a kill spell and he two for ones himself to counter the Kess.  This is again the correct play here and he definitely doesn’t want to let me have the Kess but it shows the weakness of Force of Will in the mirror.  I would always side it out in the mirror if it was in my deck for the same reasons decks like Miracles and Grixis Control cut it in their mirrors in Legacy; you just can’t afford the card disadvantage.

We’re now at a board state on Jacob with a Search for Azcanta in play but no cards in hand and me with nothing in play but 3 cards in hand in Baleful Strix, Dire Fleet Daredevil and Dreadbore.  I’m feeling pretty far ahead but do need to be proactive in the face of a Search that is going to flip next turn.
Unfortunately I get Blightninged off the top next turn...
I tank here as I would love to keep the Daredevil but there are no relevant cards in Jacob’s bin so I end up keeping the Strix, again going with the guaranteed card advantage line, and binning the rest.
I draw very well off my Strix into Tasigur, the Golden Fang and deploy the threats I needed at this stage of the game.

Jacob finds Nihil Spellbomb and Terminate for his turn, at the end of which I activate Tasigur.  I don’t really care what I get back from it, any card is good.
Jacob sacs his Spellbomb in response here and does not pay to draw a card, opting to keep up terminate and Azcanta.  I get why you would do this but I don’t like it.  Yes activating search is better than drawing a random card but it costs you 3 extra mana and leaves you without and possible interaction on my turn.  Personally I would have drawn the Spellbomb card and taken my chances.  The other possibility I like here is leaving the yard as is and killing the Tasigur in response to the activation, meaning you can at worst give me back the Tasigur and then nuke my bin making it harder to replay.
in any case, I flip 2 into an empty bin and pick up a Counterspell which I am very happy with.

I untap and draw Electrolyze.
Due to leaving Azcanta up, Jacob is empty handed with no mana available post Azcanta activation.  He is also on 7 so I bash with my Strix and Wandering Fumarole, putting him to 2 and forcing him to find removal and a counter for the lethal Electrolyze.
He finds Dig Through Time into Kefnet to block which doesn’t do it and I burn him out.

In the end the commentators got it right on this game; Jacob’s hand was entirely reactive, drawing almost every counter in his deck, and when he ran out of counters, I still had gas left where he had no cards in hand due to Force of Will and Spellbomb.

Game Three

I’m on the draw here for the first time so I cut Mystic Confluence and bring back in my Mana Leak for cheaper interaction.

My hand here is actually keepable for once!  Dig Through Time, Electrolyze, Ponder, Brainstorm and 3 lands.
It doesn’t actually do anything but Ponder and Brainstorm should fix that easily enough, snap keep.
Jacob’s hand is also good with a Preordain, Dreadbore and some counters.

I draw my Strip Mine on turn 2 and decide to take my chances, taking out Jacob’s Creeping Tar Pit.
It ends up working pretty well and Jacob’s only other land is a Fiery Islet which doesn’t tap for black and ends up dealing 3 damage to him over the course of the game which may not seem like a big deal in this kind of mirror but end up being very relevant.

I crack a fetch for a tapped Steam Vents on the end of Jacob’s turn and he chooses to take that opportunity to cast his Dig Through Time on his turn.  This is interesting because again, you really do not want to be tapping out on your own turn here but Dig is a very good card and this does play around my Pyroblast which I do have in hand.
In hind sight, it was also just a bad play on my part to fetch the way I did, I should have instead untapped and fetched my Volcanic Island on my upkeep.

I pass and attempt to resolve my own Dig Trough Time on Jacob’s end step with Pyroblast and Flusterstorm backup, making me feel pretty damn safe about it.  Annoyingly he again has Force here but it’s not the worst as I again end up a card up in the exchange and tap him out on his turn.

Unfortunately, I can’t press the advantage as my hand is reactive but I get a very favourable tempo exchange with my Remand versus his Blightning in the next few turns.  Expensive sorcery speed cards are just not where you want to be here kids.
I end up Remanding it, then Mana Leaking it the next turn into jamming my Jace, the Mind Sculptor with Spell Snare backup.
He baits the Snare with a Search and then Dreadbores the Jace but I draw my Daredevil and find Red Elemental Blast and True-Name Nemesis with Jacob’s Dig.

Jacob elects to not try to Counterspell the True-Name (I’m not really sure why, perhaps wanting to keep it as protection for his own threats) and with nothing else going on, my game plan becomes attacking for 3 a bunch before he finds his Deluge or Rampage.

Instead he finds another expensive sorcery speed card in Kefnet which I happily dump into his bin for 1 mana with my Red Blast.  In hind sight, it may have been correct here to let it resolve and then kill it with the Blast instead of countering it on the off chance he puts it back in his deck, guaranteeing a dead draw in a few turns.

Jacob ends up drawing extremely well here and runs off Tasigur into Kess which flashes back a Ponder that even finds him the Toxic Deluge he needs to kill my True-Name!
Unfortunately he’s at 4 life here and is going to take another hit off the Nemesis leaving him unable to cast the Deluge.  If only he had not taken 3 off his Fiery Islet...
Instead the True-Name finishes the job and I take the match 2-1 for the home team.

I hope none of this comes off as disparaging against Jacob, he played well just ending up on the poor side of a few key exchanges in both games, possibly with some questionable choices that come down to experience with the deck and the format in general.
All in all this was a fun match with some nice back and forths in the post board games that I feel highlighted some key interactions in the mirror and how minor deck building and sideboarding choice can have a large impact on the games.
For any aspiring Grixis highlander players out there, I would not recommend putting God-Eternal Kefnet, Fiery Islet, Blightning or Crucible of Worlds into your decks.

Overall I went 4-1-2 at the event, drawing with Blue Moon and losing to UW control where I misplayed game 1 and got very unlucky game 2 and 5c Green ramp in really awkward games where I could not kill a DRS despite seeing over a third of my deck.


Friday 20 January 2017

Don't be so Basic

Anyone who followed the Highlander format knows that there has been a fairly lively debate going on for the past few months regarding the potential pointing, or not pointing, of everybody's favourite cards to lose to:

The debate has its vocal proponents on both sides and I have been very clear in my belief that the level that these cards are played at in the format is a bad this and that a pointing is in order to relieve the pressure their presence puts on the format.

Disclaimer:  Before I go into the core of my arguments, it should be noted that I am a Melbourne player and while I do check Canberra deck lists from time to time, the Canberra meta is not my area of expertise.

My aim here is not to get the committee to put 3 points on each of these cards and call it a day, that just isn't a thing anyone wants, well... perhaps some do..., but it's not what anyone is realistically arguing for.  The anti Moon stance is generally that these three cards need 1 or 2 points collectively.
No one is calling for points on Magus of the Moon since it's a creature that is easily dealt with. 
The argument breaks down to pointing either Blood Moon or Back to Basic (or both, but realistically that isn't going to happen unless one is pointed first and they keep repressing the format even more than they are now).

Each time the debate comes up, the pro Moon players present these kinds of arguments for why the 3 moon effects are not worth a pointing:

- Keeps greedy decks in check/Good for the health of the format
- Incentivises creative deck building
- It's a pillar of the format
- Good players play around it/It's easy to play around

Ok, well, that's just like, your opinion man. 
Are any of these arguments actually true?  Let's break it down.

'Keeps greedy decks in check'
Ok this one sounds like a freebie right?  If everyone's playing Blood Moon decks, you can't just play 3+ colour decks and get away with it right?!  Well, wrong.  You can play 3+ colour decks and even if you don't you'll still lose to Blood Moon and co.
People still play 4c midrange decks that have favourable matchups against UR Moon, people still play 3/3.5c control decks (which I can only assume do have a terrible Moon matchup) and do well with them, Tolarian Academy/Gaea's Cradle decks became so good and popular recently that they copped a pointing on Crop Rotation, various Shops decks which rely heavily on their sol/utility lands even though they tend to run few colours still see play.

Thing is, the 3 moon cards aren’t good because the crush 4-5 colour 'greedy' decks, they're good because a certain percent of the time they just auto win when they resolve against ANY 2+ colour deck that is not running red as a main colour or any 3+ colour deck that is running red and people who play them love their free wins.  Who doesn't right?

Let's say you're playing a 2 colour agro deck, say black/white (yes I know it's not actually a deck, it's a hypothetical).  You have 1 drops in both colours, double cost cards at 2 mana in both colours.  Is this a 'greedy' deck?  I think you'd have to be insane to say that it is.
You draw your 7, it has 5 spells, 2 fetchlands, perfect.  Obviously you want to fetch Scrubland into Godless Shrine since you know you may have need of WW and BB in the early turns of the game and it's important for an agro deck to get a good start, is it 'greedy' to do that though?  What if you do and your opponent goes turn 3 Blood Moon?  Well, you may as well scoop.

This brings us to the old 'Good players play around it/It's easy to play around'.
But what's the alternative?  Getting a Plains and a Swamp?  Sure, ok, say you do that, congrats you played around Blood Moon, winning.
Problem is, you STILL lose to turn 3 Blood Moon here.  Opponent plays Moon, you draw your 3rd land and... it's a non-basic.  Grats, you still can't play your BB or WW spells.
Even if you're #GoodAtTheGame and draw another basic, you're still locked out of half your double cost cards.
Say you play 4 basics in a row, cool, you only had to wait till turn 4 to play that Hymn to Tourach or Silver Knight, you can still win right?  No, no you can't, damage done.

The argument that Moon only hurts 4+ colour decks is a lie.  It hurts all 2+ colour, especially aggressive decks, immensely.  Think about it, when was the last time you saw a Zoo deck do well at an event?  Or a 2c agro deck that didn't run red?

Aside:  Personally I find the 'just play around it' argument insanely condescending.  You think I don't know that basics don't get turned off by Blood Moon, really?  Give me a break.  You and I both very well know that people play Blood Moon decks because you actively CAN'T play around it a significant amount of the time, yes, even in 2 colour decks.  That's why the cards are good and why they see a huge amount of play.

In the end we return to 'Good for the health of the format'.
Is it?  Is a Highlander format where non red agro is unplayable and where control is super heavily skewed towards UR lists that all play the same 3 unpointed cards healthy?
Well, if you think so I probably won't change your mind but I for one miss agro being a thing.
What's even more ironic is that Zoo used to be the non-basic police.  It could Wasteland and Strip Mine (THAT'S THREE POINTS BTW!) you out of the game and kill you from 10 with a Price of Progress.  People used to play around these cards, a lot, no one was just running rampant with overpowered 5 colour decks because Blood Moon saw little play. 
But why encourage people to have to think about and spend points on their land hate when you can just play a simple UR deck and get a stronger effect for free I guess... I miss you Wild Nacatl, I really do.

'Incentivises creative deck building'
I honestly don't know where to start with this.  What does that even mean? 
Does it mean I should figure out how to remove 2 colours from my 4c deck so that it's better against Blood Moon?  Or does it mean that I should be creative and figure out how to play a 3c deck with 12 basics in it?
Or maybe I'm looking at it wrong, maybe it means I should put answers in my decks!  I know, I'll just put Qasali Pridemage and Abrupt Decay in my deck and it will be fine!  Good. Plan.  Like we weren't playing these cards already.  Issue is they're both uncastable through a Moon and one of them dies to bolt.
Putting fetches and 3-5 basics in your 3c deck doesn't require skill, it's not creative and at the end of the day, doesn't REALLY help you not lose against Blood Moon all that much.

I guess I could be looking at it completely from the wrong side though, maybe they mean it makes the Blood Moon player more creative.
Ok let's see, well the cards are red and blue, sweet, guess we're playing UR.  Now, they shut off non basics so... I know!  We'll put basic Islands in the deck!  Such creativity, much wow.
Because these cards are completely unpointed, it also means UR players just jam them in their deck because, well, they can.  Even 3c players have been jamming them lately since they can play 2-3 Moxen to power them out and get around their mana issues.

Seriously though, if someone can explain to me why having to build every single deck in the format around 1 set of three cards inspires creativity, I would LOVE to hear your explanation, cos it really doesn't.
Hell, if you want to encourage creative deck building, point fetches!  That is something that would actually make people think about their mana bases.

'It's a pillar of the format'
Yes, it is.  This one is 100% accurate; triple moon decks are a pillar of the format.
To me a pillar of the format is a card/set of cards that get built around.  Not just cards that see a lot of play but cards without which decks would not exist.
Let's have a look at some other sample pillars of Highlander:

- Equipment package creature decks (5 points in 4 cards; SFM, Steelshaper's Gift, Jitte, Clamp)
- Academy wheel decks (3 points in 2 cards; Tolarian Academy, Crop Rotation.  Additionally all wheels are 1 point)
- Mud decks (1 point in 1 card; Mishra’s Workshop.  Additionally all the good mana rocks are pointed from 1-3 points)
- Storm (7 points in 2 cards; Black Lotus, Yawgmoth's Will)
- Acall control (5 points in 2 cards; Ancestral Recall, Merchant Scroll.  Additionally all remotely playable blue cards are 1 point)

So where does the Triple Moon pillar fall here?  Zero points in 3 cards.
The above is certainly not a comprehensive list but you get the idea. 
I agree, Triple Moon is a pillar of the format, it sees a huge amount of play, and it should be pointed accordingly.

I am of the firm opinion that Highlander was a much better format before half of it (again, talking Melbourne meta here) started playing triple moon and that both Blood Moon and Back to Basics are well deserving of a point each both based on power level and on how much play they see but as I mentioned earlier, I think starting with just one of these is the correct approach.

So which one?
Well, I think it's certainly close but I would lean towards pointing Back to Basics myself.
Yes, I think Blood Moon is a slightly more powerful card but it also goes into decks that don't actively abuse it (basically mono red needs all the help it can get) while Back to Basics pretty much funnels them all into UR moon control/combo shells which use heavy card draw to find them and counterspells to force them through.
At the end of the day blue is a much stronger colour than red in highlander.
People keep telling me that if you put a point on BtB and Moon the UR deck will just drop something like Dig Through Time and still play them.  Well, ok… doesn’t that indicate that they’re worth the points if you’re cutting a great 2 point card for them?!  Think about it just a little.

Anyway, I don't really expect to convince people who play these cards because, well, they're good cards and people like winning games.  It's a complete no brainer to put them in any UR deck you happen to be playing, I get that.
What these Moon effect cards are more than anything are the epitome of miserable to play against.
My hope is that maybe the committee will one day point these cards for the enjoyability of the format if nothing else and that I will once again be able to play Zoo but until then I guess I'll play the deck that has the best UR Moon matchup; 4c Bant.


Monday 9 January 2017

Leading the Pack at the 'Rat

High stakes Legacy events don't come up that often so when GUF Ballarat announced they were putting up 2 Volcs, 3 Seas and a Bayou as Top4 prizes for their ladder finals event, I was in.
A lot of Melbourne players made the trip to what ended up being one of the best MTG events I've been to.
Great location, staff, player base and organization lead to a truly enjoyable day.  The fact that I ended up top of the swiss and took home a Sea and a Bayou for my efforts didn't hurt either.

I went with my standby, my always faithful Death and Taxes.
I have played this deck a lot in Legacy (it was the first deck I bought into because I though it looked easy to play... oops!) and while I have done stints with Miracles and a variety of Delver decks, it's the deck I always come back to when I want to take the format seriously.
There are many great decks in Legacy but this one is mine.

The list I run is fairly stock, perhaps a little heavier on the Recruiter package than some:

4 Mother of Runes
3 Stoneforge Mystic
2 Phyrexian Revoker
4 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
1 Spirit of the Labyrinth
2 Serra Avenger
4 Flickerwisp
3 Recruiter of the Guard
2 Sanctum Prelate
1 Mirran Crusader

4 Swords to Plowshares

4 Æther Vial
1 Sword of Fire and Ice
1 Batterskull
1 Umezawa's Jitte

9 Plains
4 Rishadan Port
4 Wasteland
3 Karakas
2 Cavern of Souls
1 Horizon Canopy

2 Council's Judgment
2 Rest in Peace
1 Faerie Macabre
1 Grafdigger's Cage
1 Pithing Needle
1 Sword of Light and Shadow
2 Containment Priest
2 Ethersworn Canonist
1 Leonin Relic-Warder
1 Palace Jailer
1 Gideon, Ally of Zendikar

The only recent changes to the deck are a second Containment Priest and a Faerie Macabre in the SB as a nod to the popularity of graveyard decks in our meta and the rise of BR Reanimator.

A few mulligans aside, the deck performed extremely well and I ended up taking it to a 5-0-1 finish in the swiss (and no, I didn't ID any rounds...).

Here's a breakdown of my day.

Round 1 - Goblins:  Win 2-0

This was a fairly textbook showcase of the Vial deck with equipment beating up the Vial deck without equipment.
Game 1 I had active SoFI and Jitte by turn 5 or so and assembled the same in game 2 after choking my opponent's mana for a few turns with active Mom holding off his ground game and attacking with a Serra Avenger.

+2 Containment Priest
+1 Council's Judgment

-2 Sanctum Prelate
-1 Spirit of the Labyrinth

Round 2 - Death and Taxes:  Draw 1-1-1

This was one of the dumber mirror matches I've played with DnT.
I won game 1 after a mulligan to 5 off equipment superiority, game 2 started out very well with me drawing 3 Wisps against my opponent's Containment Priest but he eventually got a Jitte with 4 counters on it, GG.
Game 3 was where it got real dumb though.
I keep a decent 7, though it lacked a vial, it had mana, Mom, SFM and Recruiter.
I lead on Mom, opponent has a Plow.  Turn 2 I SFM getting Jitte but my opponent responds with double Mom on his turn 2, not good for me since it locks out Jitte unless I can find a flier before he does.
Turn 3 my opponent plays Karakas and casts Mangara... VERY not good for me...
Mangara has fallen out of favour lately, mostly because it's very slow, and personally I’ve never been a fan but on this board is was going to crush me.  The problem with playing against it is that you have to keep feeding it permanents so that it can't go after your lands before you find an answer.
In the end it ate my Jitte, SoFI, a Mom and a Pithing needle (in hind sight putting the second equipment in play was a mistake).  I desperately needed a Wasteland for the Karakas but I never saw one.
The needle here was an interesting decision point which in hind sight I'm not sure I did correctly.  It's obviously an answer to Mangara but I also had a Plow in had (which is not due to double Mom).  I decided to Needle his Moms which I was in no position to beat with a Plow in any case, aiming to Plow the Mangara when he next activated it (who knows, I guess there’s an off chance he doesn’t target the Needle?), which he did, exiling the Needle and losing the Mangara in the process as planned.
After this I immediately began losing badly to a Jitte but I managed to navigate the board to a point where my opponent used all his counters to kill various things and I managed to get my sideboarded Sword of Light and Shadow and the Batterskull onto a Containment Priest.
Around here we went into turns and I was still losing badly to Jitte and now a SoFI which was able to get through due to Mom.  On turn 3 of turns, my opponent made the critical mistake of missing a Jitte trigger and I was able to get enough blockers onto the now beyond silly board to not die on turn 5; hello draw bracket!

+1 Pithing Needle
+1 Sword of Light and Shadow
+2 Council's Judgment
+1 Leonin Relic-Warder
+1 Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
+2 Containment Priest

-4 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
-1 Spirit of the Labyrinth
-2 Sanctum Prelate
-1 Aether Vial

PS:  I'm really uncertain about my board plan here.  I don't think I like Containment Priest here at all and frankly, I don't like Gideon in any matchup.  I plan on working on the mirror board plan a bit in the future.

Round 3 - 4c Loam:  Win 2-0

I don't find this matchup particularly interesting to be honest.  Usually they can only win by getting early value with Punishing Fire and I was able to win game 1 with a Mom, Mirran Crusader and some random other creatures in the face of 2 12/12 Knights fairly easily.
Game 2 I played a Sanctum Prelate naming 2 after he Maelstrom Pulsed my RIP, he could not answer it and a timely Plow on his Knight sealed the deal.

+2 Rest in Peace
+1 Leonin Relic-Warder
+1 Palace Jailer
+1 Pithing Needle

-1 Spirit of the Labyrinth
-4 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben

Round 4 - Storm:  Win 2-0

This was a pretty savage beating.  Both games I had Plains, Waste, Port, Vial, Thalia in my opening hand.
Game 1 I went vial into Thalia and my opponent Burning Wished for Massacre on his turn 3 which he couldn’t cast that turn due to Thalia.  I wasted his Sea to get him off swamps and he never drew another one.
In game 2 my opponent mulliganed to 5 and the Turn 2 Thalia into Sanctum Prelate naming 4 was good enough for the scoop since he could no longer win, nor cast Massacre so needed to draw multiple spot removal spells.

+2 Rest in Peace
+1 Faerie Macabre
+1 Grafdigger's Cage
+2 Ethersworn Canonist
+1 Leonin Relic-Warder

-2 Mother of Runes
-4 Swords to Plowshares
-1 Umezawa's Jitte

Round 5 - RUG Delver:  Win 2-0

Game 1 was fairly close but I correctly played around Daze by jamming a useless Revoker on turn 2 after my opponent played Trop into Goose on his turn 1 after probing me, seeing Thalia and SFM as clearly better 2 drops.
He took the bait and Dazed the Revoker, a mistake that cost him game 1 as I was able to play Karakas into Thalia on turn 3, following up with SFM for SoFI on the next turn.  He almost raced with double Goyf but it was not enough.
Game 2 I wasted his only land after he shuffled a Ponder on turn 1 and he missed his next 2-3 land drops which was more than enough to seal the deal.

+1 Council's Judgment
+2 Rest in Peace

-2 Phyrexian Revoker
-1 Recruiter of the Guard

Round 6 - BR Reanimator:  Win 2-0

This was an interesting game 1 followed up by a modern-esque 'look at all these sideboard cards!' game 2.
Game 1 I keep a medium hand with Vial, Mom, 2x Wisp and some lands, including a Wasteland.
My opponent leads off with basic swamp, go.  This is never a good sign and sure enough, end of turn Entomb makes me slump in my chair since I almost certainly can't beat a Griselbrand, Grave Titan or Elesh Norn.  However, my opponent chooses an Iona!  This may sound like a reasonable plan against a mono white deck but I already have a Vial in play so the question becomes can I beat a 7/7 flier?  Well, that's not an easy task either since I can't remove it and certainly can't beat it in combat but it is doable with an active Mom and a flier.
On his turn 2 my opponent Thoughtseizes me and takes a Wisp, then reanimates the Iona naming white (colour selection on point).  I end up drawing an Avenger on turn 3 and stabilize with Avenger + Mom after taking 2 hits from Iona.  The follow up Wisp seals the deal and I win without casting another spell.
Game 2 I mulligan an uninteractive 7 and keep a 6 that has Grafdigger's Cage and Containment Priest but no white mana, just Waste + Port, scrying a Vial to the top after thinking about it for a while.  It's a little slow but will probably do given I have the Cage.
I rattle off turn 1 Cage into turn 3 Canonist and my opponent concedes as he did not bring in his Decays, preferring to stay as fast as possible but getting punished by the turn 1 hate card.

+2 Council's Judgment
+2 Rest in Peace
+1 Faerie Macabre
+1 Grafdigger's Cage
+2 Containment Priest
+1 Palace Jailer

-4 Swords to Plowshares
-1 Phyrexian Revoker
-1 Umezawa's Jitte
-1 Recruiter of the Guard
-2 Mother of Runes

I move on to 5-0-1 and enter the top 8 at the top of the swiss.

Top 8 - Quarters - Colourless Eldrazi:  Win 2-1

I was a little nervous going into this matchup.  I knew what my opponent was on and while the matchup is actively good for DnT, I have a really bad track record playing against it.  They always seem to double Smasher me by turn 4 or draw their 1 of Jitte that I can't ever beat.  Anyway, turned out ok.
Game 1 I had a more or less perfect hand for the matchup.  Vial into wasteland into SFM for Jitte into Port you into Wasteland.
On around turn 5 I started connecting with the Jitte and my opponent had only managed to get 2 Mimics into play so the turn after that he had no lands and no creatures in play after double Waste, a City trigger and 2 Jitte counters, works for me.
Game 2 I think I made the mistake of playing a 2 drop rather than Wasting my opponent and got punished by Smasher into Endbringer into Smasher.  I got close with some Palace Jailer/Flickerwisp/Vial shenanigans keeping the Endbringer at bay but I died to the trample damage from the second Smasher.
Game 3 was another Vial + mana disruption hand and I got there fairly easily with early disruption into Recruiter + Flickerwisp chaining.

+2 Council's Judgment
+1 Pithing Needle
+1 Palace Jailer
+1 Gideon, Ally of Zendikar (Urg, get out of my deck!)
+1 Sword of Light and Shadow

-3 Mother of Runes
-1 Spirit of the Labyrinth
-2 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben

Top 8 - Semis - Death and Taxes:  Win 2-0

Ah here we are, can't get through a Legacy top 8 without running into Sean Brown!
Sean was also on his DnT list which he knows as well as anyone; there would be no getting him with fancy tricks here.  Still, I enjoy playing the mirror and at this point I was going home with at least an Underground Sea so pressure was off and I was ready to jam and have some fun.
The games ended up being pretty classic n+1 fliers on one side of the mirror games while the ground was clogged up and equipment was Revokered.
Game 1 he drew a Revoker for my Jitte but I had air superiority so I won after 7 Flickerwisp attacks and in game 2 I drew a Revoker for his Jitte and again had 2 fliers to his 1.
Perhaps not the most thrilling games of Legacy ever but I'll take it.

+1 Pithing Needle
+1 Sword of Light and Shadow
+2 Council's Judgment
+1 Leonin Relic-Warder

-2 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
-1 Spirit of the Labyrinth
-2 Sanctum Prelate

Top 8 - Final - Omnitell:  Concede

This is not a particularly scary matchup but I did not need the 2 Volcanic Islands that were the 1st place price but very much did need the Underground Sea + Bayou that were the second place prize.
The monetary value here is in favour of the Volcs of course but not by all that much and certainly not worth the hassle of selling them and buying the duals I need while maybe ending up 50$ so I just conceded.
In hind sight, I could have offered to swap the prizes for 1st and 2nd and have my opponent concede to me to get the official 1st place but it had been a long day and we all know Death and Taxes in the best deck in our hearts anyway so no big deal.

All in all a truly enjoyable day and a great way to finish off my holiday break before heading back to work on Monday.
Deck wise, there's not much I'd change other than removing the Gideon from the side board.  I know people like this card but the best thing it's ever done for me is be a 4 mana 2/2 so, see ya.

Next time at Cancon!

Till then, don't worry about the Vial on 3, it's probably fine ;)


Thursday 23 July 2015

Traveling for GPs is Great EV!

Ok, it isn’t.  Still, when you have 12-13 weeks of stored annual leave banked up and your boss is yelling at you to take some, there's no reason NOT to schedule it, at least a little, around some sweet overseas MTG Grand Prix action.  Especially since we get so few big events in Australia.
With that in mind I decided late last year to do a Europe trip this year, mostly since I have family in Czech Republic and friends living in England for a year, so I checked the Wizards upcoming events calendar and what did I find?  GP London (15-16 Aug) and GP Prague (29-30 Sept) 2 weeks apart in the time of year I like to visit Europe.  Gas!
Better yet, both are Standard format, rather that the Sealed GPs we get in our area that I am not a fan of.

Standard has been pretty great this year and battling in two European GPs seems the perfect way to cap off the season.
I have played several decks in the format to some level starting with Mardu and moving though GR Dragons, RW Agro, Bant Heroic messing around with some fringe decks and eventually coming back around full circle to Mardu Dragons which is my current preference.
Currently that's the deck I am on but I'm waiting to see what comes out of the Pro Tour before locking in a standard deck for my trip.

This is the Mardu Dragons list I am currently on:

4 Seeker of the Way
3 Soulfire Grand Master
4 Goblin Rabblemaster
4 Thunderbreak Regent
4 Stormbreath Dragon
2 Kolaghan, Storm's Fury

4 Crackling Doom
1 Foul-Tongue Invocation
4 Draconic Roar
2 Ultimate Price
1 Murderous Cut
2 Thoughtseize

4 Nomad Outpost
1 Temple of Malice
2 Temple of Silence
3 Temple of Triumph
3 Battlefield Forge
2 Caves of Koilos
4 Bloodstained Mire
3 Mountain
1 Swamp
2 Haven of the Spirit Dragon

3 Anger of the Gods
2 Crux of Fate
2 Kolaghan's Command
1 Thoughtseize
1 Duress
1 Arc Lightning
1 Elspeth, Sun's Champion
2 Chandra, Pyromaster
2 Read the Bones

One thing I'm trying out is Abbot of Keral Keep to replace 2-4 of the Seekers but not locked in on that yet either way.

Besides standard, I also plan on taking Modern Affinity and Legacy Death and Taxes which are my preferred decks in their respective formats for side events and miscellaneous battling.  (Sadly, no Highlander side event at either GP :( )

I've been running this streamlined version of Affinity of late to good success:

4 Arcbound Ravager
3 Master of Etherium
1 Etched Champion
2 Memnite
4 Ornithopter
4 Signal Pest
4 Steel Overseer
4 Vault Skirge
2 Spellskite

4 Cranial Plating
4 Springleaf Drum
4 Mox Opal
1 Welding Jar
3 Galvanic Blast

1 Island
4 Darksteel Citadel
4 Blinkmoth Nexus
3 Glimmervoid
4 Inkmoth Nexus

2 Etched Champion
2 Ancient Grudge
2 Whipflare
1 Electrickery
1 Wear // Tear
2 Thoughtseize
2 Spell Pierce
1 Torpor Orb
1 Grafdigger's Cage
1 Blood Moon

I have also been experimenting with a build featuring 4 Hangarback Walker, 2 Day's Undoing and 4 Disciple of the Vault and I have been very impressed with initial results, in particular regarding Hangarback Walkers as the card has been performing extremely well so watch this space.

In Legacy I have not been playing DnT of late as I have been running RUG Delver and UW Mentor in recent proxy leagues and events but DnT is the Legacy deck I own and it holds a special place in my heart.
This is the list I've rebuilt for it:

4 Mother of Runes
4 Stoneforge Mystic
3 Phyrexian Revoker
4 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
2 Spirit of the Labyrinth
2 Serra Avenger
4 Flickerwisp
2 Mirran Crusader
1 Brimaz, King of Oreskos

4 Swords to Plowshares

4 Æther Vial
1 Sword of Fire and Ice
1 Umezawa's Jitte
1 Batterskull

8 Plains
4 Rishadan Port
4 Wasteland
3 Karakas
1 Cavern of Souls
1 Horizon Canopy
1 Flagstones of Trokair
1 Eiganjo Castle

3 Ethersworn Canonist
2 Cataclysm
1 Oblivion Ring
1 Council's Judgment
2 Rest in Peace
1 Graffdigger's Cage
2 Containment Priest
1 Enlightened Tutor
2 Wilt-Leaf Liege

Nothing too special there, just a bit of a leaning towards anti-blue cards since Europeans love their Brainstorms.

This will be my first time playing Magic outside of Australia so looking forward to seeing this great game played in different environments.


Tuesday 31 March 2015

Top 8 Bad Cards in Standard

Well, there's a new set out with Dragon of Tarkir and with it a whole bunch of sweet new cards are hitting Standard play.  However, instead of looking at the new good cards, today I went and put together my Top 8 list of bad cards that see Standard play.

Top 8 Bad Cards in Standard

8:  Evolving Wilds

This card keeps managing to sneak its way into real Standard decks and every time it does a part of me dies a little.
Unfortunately, the current Standard mana base is god awful and Evolving Wilds remains a necessary evil.

7:  Foundry Street Denizen

I have chosen this pass out draft common as the poster child for the current available 1 drops for the hyper aggressive red deck.  Dragons of Tarkir have introduced 2 great red 1 drops in Zurgo and Lightning Berserker but the synergy with Hordeling Outburst is unfortunately still keeping the old Denizen in decks.

6:  Satyr Wayfinder

I get it.  It’s an enabler.  That doesn’t change the fact that this is a 2 mana 1/1!
Is this card needed in the decks that run it? Yes, it probably is.  Does it still suck? Absolutely!

5:  End Hostilities

Five mana wraths are awful.  Yeah they’re all we have but they really are bad.
End Hostilities gets the nod for the list here over Crux of Fate because I do like the dragon win con synergy Crux allows you to build into your deck.

4:  Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver

Every time I play against a blue-black control deck and my opponent smugly plays one of these one turn 3 I let out a sigh of relief, untap, play a Rabblemaster and kill my opponent.
I have no idea why people still include this Tibalt level planeswalker in their decks but I’m ok with it!

3:  Outpost Siege

See my previous blog entry regarding the specifics on this one.
Additionally, I feel that with DTK hitting standard, Outpost Siege has gone from bad to outright embarrassing.  There was so much main deck and side board enchantment hate already and the addition of Dromoka’s Command made it even worse.  That coupled with the fact that Thunderbreak Regent is now a standard legal 4 drop make this siege a very bad idea.

2:  Ashcloud Phoenix

This.  Card.  Sucks.
There are roughly a million exile effects being played but all the top tier decks (Chained to the Rocks in RW, Abzan Charm in all forms of Abzan, Perilous Vault in control, Banishing Light in GW Devotion, Silence the Believers still comes up from time to time) that all crap all over this card.  Couple that with the fact that token decks are a very real thing at the moment and that it has 1 toughness and you end up with one unplayable bird.
This card’s always been bad and Thunderbreak Regent firmly closed the door on ANY excuse you had to still be running this.

1:  Every card in the Blue-White/UWR heroic deck

Was there ever any doubt?
The top spot here cannot be given to any single card but instead goes to this entire deck.
I’m not saying the deck itself is bad, apparently it STILL puts up results… , but it cannot be denied that almost every card in it is an atrocity and an affront to constructed magic.
There have been other successful draft commons/uncommons decks in the past, current season mono red, last season’s mono blue ect, but none of them come anywhere close to this deck’s level of jank cards.
This is not a draft commons deck.  With all start like Aqueous Form, Lagonna-Band Trailblazer, Stratus Walk, Battle Mastery and even the format defining Mortal Obstinacy often making the cut, it truly is the first constructed playable draft passouts deck.

Thursday 19 March 2015

Outpost Siege is a Bad Card

Outpost Siege has been seeing heavy play out of red decks to gain card advantage but it is actually worth it?
How many cards does a draw spell need to give at sorcery speed for 4 mana you before it's actually good?
Harmonize is probably the line where it's acceptable; 4 mana sorcery speed should draw 3 cards before it's a consideration.
The standard legal comparison is Treasure Cruise, a card that has proven super busted in older formats, and that matches up fairly similarly to the Harmonize rate where you're happy paying 4 for it and anything under that is just gravy.
Sorcery speed draw 2s cost 3 mana and don't really see much play in main decks at that cost so you're certainly not happy playing a 4 mana draw 2.

If you take this and look at Outpost Siege you find that it takes 4 turns to return 3 cards for your 4 mana investment!
When you further consider that flipping cards to it is not as good as drawing them, since it doesn’t let you hold up removal ect, it will realistically take at least 5 turns to be on par with a sorcery speed draw 3 in terms of raw card numbers, and that's assuming you're not dead and that your opponent can't remove it which in a format full of Sultai Charms, Perilous Vaults, Utter Ends, Ugins and Erases is FAR from a sure thing.
In my experience, if you take a turn off to play Outpost Siege and your opponent kills it at instant speed, you almost always lose the game due to the massive tempo loss.

Yes Outpost Siege draws you cards, yes drawing cards is good but current standard is extremely hostile to doing nothing.
Even against blue black control, a glacial deck which is the reason the red decks need Outpost Siege and where it is the best, I've been in situations where I knew if I played siege I would just give my opponent the breathing room they needed to get to Ugin mana and lock the game up.
I would rather it have been any threat.

I've won more games off Chandra than I can count and it's always upsetting to me to see more and more people cutting my Lady in Red from their deck lists for a stupid 4 mana enchantment that only has 1 of her 3 excellent abilities.
In my experience, Chandra's +1 wins more games than her zero in an aggressive red deck and I'll be sticking by her through thick and thin.
Yes, she dies to Hero's Downfall but she will be avenged with stormy breath if my opponents dare such heresy!

Disclaimer:  Tom takes no responsibility for your deck building choices and cannot be held accountable for any games lost due to not running outpost siege.