Friday, 20 January 2017

Don't be so Basic

Anyone who followed the Highlander format knows that there has been a fairly lively debate going on for the past few months regarding the potential pointing, or not pointing, of everybody's favourite cards to lose to:

The debate has its vocal proponents on both sides and I have been very clear in my belief that the level that these cards are played at in the format is a bad this and that a pointing is in order to relieve the pressure their presence puts on the format.

Disclaimer:  Before I go into the core of my arguments, it should be noted that I am a Melbourne player and while I do check Canberra deck lists from time to time, the Canberra meta is not my area of expertise.

My aim here is not to get the committee to put 3 points on each of these cards and call it a day, that just isn't a thing anyone wants, well... perhaps some do..., but it's not what anyone is realistically arguing for.  The anti Moon stance is generally that these three cards need 1 or 2 points collectively.
No one is calling for points on Magus of the Moon since it's a creature that is easily dealt with. 
The argument breaks down to pointing either Blood Moon or Back to Basic (or both, but realistically that isn't going to happen unless one is pointed first and they keep repressing the format even more than they are now).

Each time the debate comes up, the pro Moon players present these kinds of arguments for why the 3 moon effects are not worth a pointing:

- Keeps greedy decks in check/Good for the health of the format
- Incentivises creative deck building
- It's a pillar of the format
- Good players play around it/It's easy to play around

Ok, well, that's just like, your opinion man. 
Are any of these arguments actually true?  Let's break it down.

'Keeps greedy decks in check'
Ok this one sounds like a freebie right?  If everyone's playing Blood Moon decks, you can't just play 3+ colour decks and get away with it right?!  Well, wrong.  You can play 3+ colour decks and even if you don't you'll still lose to Blood Moon and co.
People still play 4c midrange decks that have favourable matchups against UR Moon, people still play 3/3.5c control decks (which I can only assume do have a terrible Moon matchup) and do well with them, Tolarian Academy/Gaea's Cradle decks became so good and popular recently that they copped a pointing on Crop Rotation, various Shops decks which rely heavily on their sol/utility lands even though they tend to run few colours still see play.

Thing is, the 3 moon cards aren’t good because the crush 4-5 colour 'greedy' decks, they're good because a certain percent of the time they just auto win when they resolve against ANY 2+ colour deck that is not running red as a main colour or any 3+ colour deck that is running red and people who play them love their free wins.  Who doesn't right?

Let's say you're playing a 2 colour agro deck, say black/white (yes I know it's not actually a deck, it's a hypothetical).  You have 1 drops in both colours, double cost cards at 2 mana in both colours.  Is this a 'greedy' deck?  I think you'd have to be insane to say that it is.
You draw your 7, it has 5 spells, 2 fetchlands, perfect.  Obviously you want to fetch Scrubland into Godless Shrine since you know you may have need of WW and BB in the early turns of the game and it's important for an agro deck to get a good start, is it 'greedy' to do that though?  What if you do and your opponent goes turn 3 Blood Moon?  Well, you may as well scoop.

This brings us to the old 'Good players play around it/It's easy to play around'.
But what's the alternative?  Getting a Plains and a Swamp?  Sure, ok, say you do that, congrats you played around Blood Moon, winning.
Problem is, you STILL lose to turn 3 Blood Moon here.  Opponent plays Moon, you draw your 3rd land and... it's a non-basic.  Grats, you still can't play your BB or WW spells.
Even if you're #GoodAtTheGame and draw another basic, you're still locked out of half your double cost cards.
Say you play 4 basics in a row, cool, you only had to wait till turn 4 to play that Hymn to Tourach or Silver Knight, you can still win right?  No, no you can't, damage done.

The argument that Moon only hurts 4+ colour decks is a lie.  It hurts all 2+ colour, especially aggressive decks, immensely.  Think about it, when was the last time you saw a Zoo deck do well at an event?  Or a 2c agro deck that didn't run red?

Aside:  Personally I find the 'just play around it' argument insanely condescending.  You think I don't know that basics don't get turned off by Blood Moon, really?  Give me a break.  You and I both very well know that people play Blood Moon decks because you actively CAN'T play around it a significant amount of the time, yes, even in 2 colour decks.  That's why the cards are good and why they see a huge amount of play.

In the end we return to 'Good for the health of the format'.
Is it?  Is a Highlander format where non red agro is unplayable and where control is super heavily skewed towards UR lists that all play the same 3 unpointed cards healthy?
Well, if you think so I probably won't change your mind but I for one miss agro being a thing.
What's even more ironic is that Zoo used to be the non-basic police.  It could Wasteland and Strip Mine (THAT'S THREE POINTS BTW!) you out of the game and kill you from 10 with a Price of Progress.  People used to play around these cards, a lot, no one was just running rampant with overpowered 5 colour decks because Blood Moon saw little play. 
But why encourage people to have to think about and spend points on their land hate when you can just play a simple UR deck and get a stronger effect for free I guess... I miss you Wild Nacatl, I really do.

'Incentivises creative deck building'
I honestly don't know where to start with this.  What does that even mean? 
Does it mean I should figure out how to remove 2 colours from my 4c deck so that it's better against Blood Moon?  Or does it mean that I should be creative and figure out how to play a 3c deck with 12 basics in it?
Or maybe I'm looking at it wrong, maybe it means I should put answers in my decks!  I know, I'll just put Qasali Pridemage and Abrupt Decay in my deck and it will be fine!  Good. Plan.  Like we weren't playing these cards already.  Issue is they're both uncastable through a Moon and one of them dies to bolt.
Putting fetches and 3-5 basics in your 3c deck doesn't require skill, it's not creative and at the end of the day, doesn't REALLY help you not lose against Blood Moon all that much.

I guess I could be looking at it completely from the wrong side though, maybe they mean it makes the Blood Moon player more creative.
Ok let's see, well the cards are red and blue, sweet, guess we're playing UR.  Now, they shut off non basics so... I know!  We'll put basic Islands in the deck!  Such creativity, much wow.
Because these cards are completely unpointed, it also means UR players just jam them in their deck because, well, they can.  Even 3c players have been jamming them lately since they can play 2-3 Moxen to power them out and get around their mana issues.

Seriously though, if someone can explain to me why having to build every single deck in the format around 1 set of three cards inspires creativity, I would LOVE to hear your explanation, cos it really doesn't.
Hell, if you want to encourage creative deck building, point fetches!  That is something that would actually make people think about their mana bases.

'It's a pillar of the format'
Yes, it is.  This one is 100% accurate; triple moon decks are a pillar of the format.
To me a pillar of the format is a card/set of cards that get built around.  Not just cards that see a lot of play but cards without which decks would not exist.
Let's have a look at some other sample pillars of Highlander:

- Equipment package creature decks (5 points in 4 cards; SFM, Steelshaper's Gift, Jitte, Clamp)
- Academy wheel decks (3 points in 2 cards; Tolarian Academy, Crop Rotation.  Additionally all wheels are 1 point)
- Mud decks (1 point in 1 card; Mishra’s Workshop.  Additionally all the good mana rocks are pointed from 1-3 points)
- Storm (7 points in 2 cards; Black Lotus, Yawgmoth's Will)
- Acall control (5 points in 2 cards; Ancestral Recall, Merchant Scroll.  Additionally all remotely playable blue cards are 1 point)

So where does the Triple Moon pillar fall here?  Zero points in 3 cards.
The above is certainly not a comprehensive list but you get the idea. 
I agree, Triple Moon is a pillar of the format, it sees a huge amount of play, and it should be pointed accordingly.

I am of the firm opinion that Highlander was a much better format before half of it (again, talking Melbourne meta here) started playing triple moon and that both Blood Moon and Back to Basics are well deserving of a point each both based on power level and on how much play they see but as I mentioned earlier, I think starting with just one of these is the correct approach.

So which one?
Well, I think it's certainly close but I would lean towards pointing Back to Basics myself.
Yes, I think Blood Moon is a slightly more powerful card but it also goes into decks that don't actively abuse it (basically mono red needs all the help it can get) while Back to Basics pretty much funnels them all into UR moon control/combo shells which use heavy card draw to find them and counterspells to force them through.
At the end of the day blue is a much stronger colour than red in highlander.
People keep telling me that if you put a point on BtB and Moon the UR deck will just drop something like Dig Through Time and still play them.  Well, ok… doesn’t that indicate that they’re worth the points if you’re cutting a great 2 point card for them?!  Think about it just a little.

Anyway, I don't really expect to convince people who play these cards because, well, they're good cards and people like winning games.  It's a complete no brainer to put them in any UR deck you happen to be playing, I get that.
What these Moon effect cards are more than anything are the epitome of miserable to play against.
My hope is that maybe the committee will one day point these cards for the enjoyability of the format if nothing else and that I will once again be able to play Zoo but until then I guess I'll play the deck that has the best UR Moon matchup; 4c Bant.


Monday, 9 January 2017

Leading the Pack at the 'Rat

High stakes Legacy events don't come up that often so when GUF Ballarat announced they were putting up 2 Volcs, 3 Seas and a Bayou as Top4 prizes for their ladder finals event, I was in.
A lot of Melbourne players made the trip to what ended up being one of the best MTG events I've been to.
Great location, staff, player base and organization lead to a truly enjoyable day.  The fact that I ended up top of the swiss and took home a Sea and a Bayou for my efforts didn't hurt either.

I went with my standby, my always faithful Death and Taxes.
I have played this deck a lot in Legacy (it was the first deck I bought into because I though it looked easy to play... oops!) and while I have done stints with Miracles and a variety of Delver decks, it's the deck I always come back to when I want to take the format seriously.
There are many great decks in Legacy but this one is mine.

The list I run is fairly stock, perhaps a little heavier on the Recruiter package than some:

4 Mother of Runes
3 Stoneforge Mystic
2 Phyrexian Revoker
4 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
1 Spirit of the Labyrinth
2 Serra Avenger
4 Flickerwisp
3 Recruiter of the Guard
2 Sanctum Prelate
1 Mirran Crusader

4 Swords to Plowshares

4 Æther Vial
1 Sword of Fire and Ice
1 Batterskull
1 Umezawa's Jitte

9 Plains
4 Rishadan Port
4 Wasteland
3 Karakas
2 Cavern of Souls
1 Horizon Canopy

2 Council's Judgment
2 Rest in Peace
1 Faerie Macabre
1 Grafdigger's Cage
1 Pithing Needle
1 Sword of Light and Shadow
2 Containment Priest
2 Ethersworn Canonist
1 Leonin Relic-Warder
1 Palace Jailer
1 Gideon, Ally of Zendikar

The only recent changes to the deck are a second Containment Priest and a Faerie Macabre in the SB as a nod to the popularity of graveyard decks in our meta and the rise of BR Reanimator.

A few mulligans aside, the deck performed extremely well and I ended up taking it to a 5-0-1 finish in the swiss (and no, I didn't ID any rounds...).

Here's a breakdown of my day.

Round 1 - Goblins:  Win 2-0

This was a fairly textbook showcase of the Vial deck with equipment beating up the Vial deck without equipment.
Game 1 I had active SoFI and Jitte by turn 5 or so and assembled the same in game 2 after choking my opponent's mana for a few turns with active Mom holding off his ground game and attacking with a Serra Avenger.

+2 Containment Priest
+1 Council's Judgment

-2 Sanctum Prelate
-1 Spirit of the Labyrinth

Round 2 - Death and Taxes:  Draw 1-1-1

This was one of the dumber mirror matches I've played with DnT.
I won game 1 after a mulligan to 5 off equipment superiority, game 2 started out very well with me drawing 3 Wisps against my opponent's Containment Priest but he eventually got a Jitte with 4 counters on it, GG.
Game 3 was where it got real dumb though.
I keep a decent 7, though it lacked a vial, it had mana, Mom, SFM and Recruiter.
I lead on Mom, opponent has a Plow.  Turn 2 I SFM getting Jitte but my opponent responds with double Mom on his turn 2, not good for me since it locks out Jitte unless I can find a flier before he does.
Turn 3 my opponent plays Karakas and casts Mangara... VERY not good for me...
Mangara has fallen out of favour lately, mostly because it's very slow, and personally I’ve never been a fan but on this board is was going to crush me.  The problem with playing against it is that you have to keep feeding it permanents so that it can't go after your lands before you find an answer.
In the end it ate my Jitte, SoFI, a Mom and a Pithing needle (in hind sight putting the second equipment in play was a mistake).  I desperately needed a Wasteland for the Karakas but I never saw one.
The needle here was an interesting decision point which in hind sight I'm not sure I did correctly.  It's obviously an answer to Mangara but I also had a Plow in had (which is not due to double Mom).  I decided to Needle his Moms which I was in no position to beat with a Plow in any case, aiming to Plow the Mangara when he next activated it (who knows, I guess there’s an off chance he doesn’t target the Needle?), which he did, exiling the Needle and losing the Mangara in the process as planned.
After this I immediately began losing badly to a Jitte but I managed to navigate the board to a point where my opponent used all his counters to kill various things and I managed to get my sideboarded Sword of Light and Shadow and the Batterskull onto a Containment Priest.
Around here we went into turns and I was still losing badly to Jitte and now a SoFI which was able to get through due to Mom.  On turn 3 of turns, my opponent made the critical mistake of missing a Jitte trigger and I was able to get enough blockers onto the now beyond silly board to not die on turn 5; hello draw bracket!

+1 Pithing Needle
+1 Sword of Light and Shadow
+2 Council's Judgment
+1 Leonin Relic-Warder
+1 Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
+2 Containment Priest

-4 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
-1 Spirit of the Labyrinth
-2 Sanctum Prelate
-1 Aether Vial

PS:  I'm really uncertain about my board plan here.  I don't think I like Containment Priest here at all and frankly, I don't like Gideon in any matchup.  I plan on working on the mirror board plan a bit in the future.

Round 3 - 4c Loam:  Win 2-0

I don't find this matchup particularly interesting to be honest.  Usually they can only win by getting early value with Punishing Fire and I was able to win game 1 with a Mom, Mirran Crusader and some random other creatures in the face of 2 12/12 Knights fairly easily.
Game 2 I played a Sanctum Prelate naming 2 after he Maelstrom Pulsed my RIP, he could not answer it and a timely Plow on his Knight sealed the deal.

+2 Rest in Peace
+1 Leonin Relic-Warder
+1 Palace Jailer
+1 Pithing Needle

-1 Spirit of the Labyrinth
-4 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben

Round 4 - Storm:  Win 2-0

This was a pretty savage beating.  Both games I had Plains, Waste, Port, Vial, Thalia in my opening hand.
Game 1 I went vial into Thalia and my opponent Burning Wished for Massacre on his turn 3 which he couldn’t cast that turn due to Thalia.  I wasted his Sea to get him off swamps and he never drew another one.
In game 2 my opponent mulliganed to 5 and the Turn 2 Thalia into Sanctum Prelate naming 4 was good enough for the scoop since he could no longer win, nor cast Massacre so needed to draw multiple spot removal spells.

+2 Rest in Peace
+1 Faerie Macabre
+1 Grafdigger's Cage
+2 Ethersworn Canonist
+1 Leonin Relic-Warder

-2 Mother of Runes
-4 Swords to Plowshares
-1 Umezawa's Jitte

Round 5 - RUG Delver:  Win 2-0

Game 1 was fairly close but I correctly played around Daze by jamming a useless Revoker on turn 2 after my opponent played Trop into Goose on his turn 1 after probing me, seeing Thalia and SFM as clearly better 2 drops.
He took the bait and Dazed the Revoker, a mistake that cost him game 1 as I was able to play Karakas into Thalia on turn 3, following up with SFM for SoFI on the next turn.  He almost raced with double Goyf but it was not enough.
Game 2 I wasted his only land after he shuffled a Ponder on turn 1 and he missed his next 2-3 land drops which was more than enough to seal the deal.

+1 Council's Judgment
+2 Rest in Peace

-2 Phyrexian Revoker
-1 Recruiter of the Guard

Round 6 - BR Reanimator:  Win 2-0

This was an interesting game 1 followed up by a modern-esque 'look at all these sideboard cards!' game 2.
Game 1 I keep a medium hand with Vial, Mom, 2x Wisp and some lands, including a Wasteland.
My opponent leads off with basic swamp, go.  This is never a good sign and sure enough, end of turn Entomb makes me slump in my chair since I almost certainly can't beat a Griselbrand, Grave Titan or Elesh Norn.  However, my opponent chooses an Iona!  This may sound like a reasonable plan against a mono white deck but I already have a Vial in play so the question becomes can I beat a 7/7 flier?  Well, that's not an easy task either since I can't remove it and certainly can't beat it in combat but it is doable with an active Mom and a flier.
On his turn 2 my opponent Thoughtseizes me and takes a Wisp, then reanimates the Iona naming white (colour selection on point).  I end up drawing an Avenger on turn 3 and stabilize with Avenger + Mom after taking 2 hits from Iona.  The follow up Wisp seals the deal and I win without casting another spell.
Game 2 I mulligan an uninteractive 7 and keep a 6 that has Grafdigger's Cage and Containment Priest but no white mana, just Waste + Port, scrying a Vial to the top after thinking about it for a while.  It's a little slow but will probably do given I have the Cage.
I rattle off turn 1 Cage into turn 3 Canonist and my opponent concedes as he did not bring in his Decays, preferring to stay as fast as possible but getting punished by the turn 1 hate card.

+2 Council's Judgment
+2 Rest in Peace
+1 Faerie Macabre
+1 Grafdigger's Cage
+2 Containment Priest
+1 Palace Jailer

-4 Swords to Plowshares
-1 Phyrexian Revoker
-1 Umezawa's Jitte
-1 Recruiter of the Guard
-2 Mother of Runes

I move on to 5-0-1 and enter the top 8 at the top of the swiss.

Top 8 - Quarters - Colourless Eldrazi:  Win 2-1

I was a little nervous going into this matchup.  I knew what my opponent was on and while the matchup is actively good for DnT, I have a really bad track record playing against it.  They always seem to double Smasher me by turn 4 or draw their 1 of Jitte that I can't ever beat.  Anyway, turned out ok.
Game 1 I had a more or less perfect hand for the matchup.  Vial into wasteland into SFM for Jitte into Port you into Wasteland.
On around turn 5 I started connecting with the Jitte and my opponent had only managed to get 2 Mimics into play so the turn after that he had no lands and no creatures in play after double Waste, a City trigger and 2 Jitte counters, works for me.
Game 2 I think I made the mistake of playing a 2 drop rather than Wasting my opponent and got punished by Smasher into Endbringer into Smasher.  I got close with some Palace Jailer/Flickerwisp/Vial shenanigans keeping the Endbringer at bay but I died to the trample damage from the second Smasher.
Game 3 was another Vial + mana disruption hand and I got there fairly easily with early disruption into Recruiter + Flickerwisp chaining.

+2 Council's Judgment
+1 Pithing Needle
+1 Palace Jailer
+1 Gideon, Ally of Zendikar (Urg, get out of my deck!)
+1 Sword of Light and Shadow

-3 Mother of Runes
-1 Spirit of the Labyrinth
-2 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben

Top 8 - Semis - Death and Taxes:  Win 2-0

Ah here we are, can't get through a Legacy top 8 without running into Sean Brown!
Sean was also on his DnT list which he knows as well as anyone; there would be no getting him with fancy tricks here.  Still, I enjoy playing the mirror and at this point I was going home with at least an Underground Sea so pressure was off and I was ready to jam and have some fun.
The games ended up being pretty classic n+1 fliers on one side of the mirror games while the ground was clogged up and equipment was Revokered.
Game 1 he drew a Revoker for my Jitte but I had air superiority so I won after 7 Flickerwisp attacks and in game 2 I drew a Revoker for his Jitte and again had 2 fliers to his 1.
Perhaps not the most thrilling games of Legacy ever but I'll take it.

+1 Pithing Needle
+1 Sword of Light and Shadow
+2 Council's Judgment
+1 Leonin Relic-Warder

-2 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
-1 Spirit of the Labyrinth
-2 Sanctum Prelate

Top 8 - Final - Omnitell:  Concede

This is not a particularly scary matchup but I did not need the 2 Volcanic Islands that were the 1st place price but very much did need the Underground Sea + Bayou that were the second place prize.
The monetary value here is in favour of the Volcs of course but not by all that much and certainly not worth the hassle of selling them and buying the duals I need while maybe ending up 50$ so I just conceded.
In hind sight, I could have offered to swap the prizes for 1st and 2nd and have my opponent concede to me to get the official 1st place but it had been a long day and we all know Death and Taxes in the best deck in our hearts anyway so no big deal.

All in all a truly enjoyable day and a great way to finish off my holiday break before heading back to work on Monday.
Deck wise, there's not much I'd change other than removing the Gideon from the side board.  I know people like this card but the best thing it's ever done for me is be a 4 mana 2/2 so, see ya.

Next time at Cancon!

Till then, don't worry about the Vial on 3, it's probably fine ;)
